4th International Conference Proceedings
“Development Cooperation and Competitiveness”
The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, 22-24 May 2008, Bucharest, Romania
- Official opening ceremony
Welcome addresses by
Professor Ion Rosca, Rector of ASE
Professor Yannis Tsekouras, President of ASECU
Professor Viorel Lefter, Vice Rector of ASE
Professor Ion Stancu, Vice Rector of ASE
ABN AMRO, Official Sponsor
Prof. Theodore Lianos, Editor of South Eastern Europe Journal of Economics
Professor Dinu Marin– Editura Economica Publishing House- Official presentations in Pleanary Session
Presentation by Professor Yannis Tsekouras, President of ASECU
Development: Cooperation and CompetitivenessPresentation by the invited speaker, Professor: Peter Nijkamp, Free University Amsterdam
XXQ Factors for Sustainable Urban Growth: The Survival of the Fittest- Parallel sessions
Chair: Prof. Constantin Mitrut, Prof. Daniela Hancu
Secretary: Raluca Serban Assistant: Laurentiu Simion
- A comparative analysis of stock market behavior after European accession in Romania and Hungary: Some hypotheses tests
Cristina Tudor
Romania- Bridging the regional development gaps of Romania by moving towards a knowledge-based economy
Speranţa Pîrciog, Ana Maria Zamfir, Cristina Mocanu
Romania- CERGE-EI repository as part of NEEO: A Case Study
Tereza Klozová, Cristian Neculaescu,
The Czech Republic, Romania- Comparative multidimensional analysis of the impact of the cultural and creative industries on the regional development
Daniela Todose, Emilia Titan, Simona Ghiţa
Romania- Corporate Finance Mechanisms within east European emerging countries: An analytical approach on IT commercial companies
Cristina Maria Triandafil, Petre Brezeanu
Romania- Employment opportunities as a driving force for internal and external migration
Speranţa Pîrciog, Ana Maria Zamfir, Cristina Mocanu
Romania- European System of Multi-level Governance a More Realistic Perspective to the Global Governance?
Constantin Chiriac,
Romania- European Union strategic development in communication field
Ioana-Julieta Josan (Vasile),
Romania- Interest Groups and Corruption in Romania. A public choice approach
Simona Buşoi,
Romania- Managing and measuring intangibles as key resources for development sustainable competitiveness of the Republic of Serbia
Biserka Komnenic, Hristina Mikic,
Serbia- Mandatory reserves – the main tool of the Romanian monetary policy in the context of EU and international development
Laurentiu Mihailescu. Gabriela Popa, Maria Dimitriu
Romania- Regional Differences Concerning Education
Laura Asandului, Ciprian Ceobanu,
Romania- Regional Specialization and Geographic Concentration of industries in Romania
Zizi Goschin, Daniela Constantin, Monica Roman, Bogdan Ileanu,
Romania- Solvency II – Cooperation at European level on the Insurance market
Laura Elly Novac,
Romania- Some Aspects about the Maximization of Migration Benefits after EU Integration
Gabriela Prelipcean, Mircea Boscoianu,
Romania- State vulnerability and the facets of development: lessons from post-communist evolutions in South Eastern Europe
Valentin Cojanu, Alina Irina Popescu
Romania- The benefits and costs of Romania post-accession to the European Union
Angelica Carbunaru-Bacescu, Monica Condruz-Bacescu
Romania- The Effects of Tariff Barriers. Study case: Sugar market in Romania
Flavius Rovinaru, Mihaela Rovinaru, Liviu Deceanu,
Chair: Prof. Peter Nijkamp
Secretary: Prof. Miruna Mazurencu Marinescu Assistant: Alexandra Brinzan
- Direct Investments from Hungary to South Eastern Europe: Motivations, Effects and Barriers
Andras Majoros
Hungary- Enhancing endogenous development in rural areas: The implementation of LEADER Pilot Programme in Poland
Marek Furmankiewicz
Poland- European financial integration in the area of card payments
Silvia Parusheva
Bulgaria- Greek Trade with Five Balkan States during the Transition Period 1993 – 2000: Opportunities Exploited and Missed
Wassily Kafouros, Ritsa Panagiotou, Nicholas Vagionis
Greece- Grey economy and Corruption in Bulgaria:: Empirical Evidence
Valentin Goev, Venelin Boshnakov
Bulgaria- International outsourcing: Incentives, Benefits and Risks for the companies in SEE Countries
Matilda Alexandrova
Bulgaria- Operating performance, business risk and corporate mergers: Some Greek evidence
Iordanis Eleftheradis,Michail Pazarskis, Petros Christodoulou,George Drogalas
Greece- Remittances of Immigrants in Greece
Thodore Lianos, Aastasia Pseiridis
Greece- Short-run Forecasting of Arrivals and Revenue Flows in Bulgarian Tourist Industry
Preslav Dimitrov,
Bulgaria- Strategic Goals for Enhancing the Competitiveness of Bulgaria as a Tourist Destination
Stoyan Marinov
Bulgaria- The ports of North Greece and their importance for the Economic Development of South-Eastern Europe
Serafeim Polyzos, Spyros Niavis, Dionysios Minetos
Chair: Prof. Christina Martha Suciu
Secretary: Mina Ivanovici Assistant: Diana Boca
- Barriers and Future Policy Directions to Knowledge Demand and Absorption in South and East Bulgaria
Statty Stattev, Mariana Kotzeva, Stela Raleva
Bulgaria- Blended Learning – a Viable Solution for the Romanian Academic Education
Liana Stanca, Ioana Pop, Cristina Felea, George Chiş, Horea Grebla,
Romania- Competitiveness and Efficiency in IT Industry in Selected EU Countries
Mihai Daniel Roman
Romania- Consumers–metanational advantage in the new knowledge economy
Ruzica Kovac–Znidersic, Djerdji Petkovic, Drazen Maric
Serbia- Contributions for increasing the competitiveness of the modern production systems
Vlad Voicu, Ruxandra Badea,
Romania- Information Support of Manager’s Decision Making
Milena Kirilova-Filipova,
Bulgaria- Is there needed a corporate default approach according to the localization criteria- Emerging versus developed countries? Case Study on IT Commercial Companies
Cristina Maria Triandafil, Petre Brezeanu
Romania- Linear programming models applied in selection of partners in a virtual organisation
Serban Radu, Iulian Mircea, Daniela Todose,
Romania- New technologies to Improve Sales Management for Romanian Retail Companies
Vlad Voicu, Ruxandra Badea
Romania- South and East Bulgaria – Towards knowledge-based economy: Challenges and Perspectives
Statty Stattev, Mariana Kotzeva, Stela Raleva
Bulgaria- Statistical techniques used in decision making process in virtual organization
Simona Ghita, Emilia Titan, Vergil Voineagu
Chair: Prof. Constanta Mihaescu
Secretary: Reader Ileana Gabriela Niculescu Aron Assistant:Diana Boca, Andrei Stanciu
- A Monetary View on the Activity of International Financial Institutions and Sustainable Development in a Globalizing Economy
Alexandra Renate Daea, Ramona Costina Gruescu, Anda Floriana Dobre
Romania- Carbon leakage within the EU: A study on the Impact of the Environmental Policy on the Competitiveness of the Pollution Intensive Sectors
Atanas Damyanov, Galin Stefanov
Bulgaria- Cooperation and Competitiveness in Financial sector
Stefan Simeonov,
Bulgaria- Development, competitiveness and education of high quality in a contemporary Romania
Mihaela Cristina (Laudoniu)Burghelea, Gabriela (Drăgan),Dumitrescu
Romania- Perfecting the Human Resources Management in the Banking System
Alina Mihaela Dumitru
Romania- Role of the Cooperation and Competitivity within Individual and Organizational Development
Magdalena Iordache-Platis, Christina Suciu,
Romania- Service Quality as a Factor of Marketing Competitiveness
Aleksandar Grubor, Suzana Salai, Božidar Leković,
Serbia- Structural change and productivity growth in Greek regions
Serafeim Polyzos, Minetos Dionysios
Greece- The Impact of collective barganing at national and branch level on wages policy of economic agents. Results of research sampling
Costel Casuneanu, Tanase Stamule
Romania- The implications of the work force deficit on the Romanian construction industry competitiveness
Ileana Gabriela Niculescu Aron, Constanţa Mihaescu, Miruna Mazurencu Marinescu
Romania- The Role of Online Travel Growth for the Competitiveness of Europe as Tourist Destination
Mariya Stankova
Chair: Prof. Monica Roman
Secretary: Raluca Ignat Assistant: Celestina Caitas
- Accountability in the name of global corporate governance: A historical perspective
Voicu Dan Dragomir
Romania- A conception for selection of human resource of the organization
Margarita Harizanova, Maya Lambovska
Bulgaria- Attitudes towards Creativity and the Creative Industries in Romania
Mina Ivanovici, Marta Christina Suciu,
Romania- Business Competitive Intelligence – The ultimate use of information technologies in strategic management
Felicia Albescu,Irina Pugna, Dorin Paraschiv,
Romania- Conceptual and Technical Study Regarding Future Accounting Regulations for SMES in Europe
Adela Deaconu, Irimie Popa, Anuţa Buiga, Fulop Melinda,
Romania- Does CBC Boost Agricultural Development? A Case Study of the Giurgiu-Ruse Region
Ignat Raluca, Miruna Mazurencu, Raluca Şerban,
Romania- Early incrementalism in higher school management
Ognyan Simeonov, Maya Lambovska
Bulgaria- Human Resource Management in Romania
Virgil Cristian Marinaş, Ştefania Ramona Puia,
Romania- IFRS adoption in Bulgarian Banks: Non-numerical disclosure evidences
Anita Atanassova
Bulgaria- Modern Methods for the Continuous Development of SME Personnel
Miranda Petronella Vlad, Ramona Lacurezeanu, Alexandru Chiş
Romania- New Solutions for Financing the Investments in Energy Critical Infrastructure
Gabriela Prelipcean, Mircea Boscoianu
Romania- On the Computation of the Optimum Risk Reserve fund in the Insurance Business
Iulian Mircea, Mihaela Covrig, Radu Serban
Romania- Risk management –To become or should become a competitive advantage for the Romanian insurance companies
Dumitru Badea, Laura Elly Novac
Romania- Romanian insurance market- Benefits and costs after EU accession
Dumitru Badea
Romania- Strategic Alliances Vs. Mergers and Acquisitions in Central and Eastern Europe – Alternative Sources of Innovation
Florin Grosu,
Romania- Strategic Intelligence with BI Competency Center
Rodica Maria Bogza,
Romania- Strategy Issues in Corporate Communication. A comparative study from the Oil Industry
Viorel Lefter, Raluca Sandu, Anca Bogdan
Romania- The analysis of regional and local SPA market. Starting a SPA business
Cristina Colonişteanu
Romania- The balanced scorecard in a strategy-focused organization
Maria Bogza Rodica,
Romania- The Multinational enterprise TITAN in the new Economic Conditions
Ioannis Manolopoulos
Greece- The Importance of Value at Risk Method in the Management of Banking Risk
Olga Alexandra Terpezan Tabara,
Romania- The Operational Risk Management
Alina Nicoleta Radu, Ana Cornelia Olteanu,