7th International Conference Proceedings

7th International Conference Proceedings

7th International Conference of ASECU

Organized by Rostov State University of Economics in cooperation with ASECU



  • Rubin Yury, Soboleva Erika
    Building Bridges in Global Education Area: ESG, UNIQUe, WICHE, ACE and ISO
  • Dimitriadi Nikolay, Engle Robert
    Culture Intelligence: Antecedents and Propensity to Accept a Foreign Job
  • Tsekouras Yannis
    Recent Economic Crisis and Future Development Tendencies
  • Marinov Marin A.
    The Business Challenges of the Economic Downturn


  • Efremenko Innessa
    Modern world financial architecture development imperatives in global financial crisis’s overcoming aspect
  • Gaevec Elena
    Problems of maintenance of financial transparency of financial institutions, taking into account existence of offshore zones
  • Velichko Adamov, Simeonov Stefan
    A sense of financial derivatives markets for the economic vitality and stability in Russia
  • Alifanova Elena, Evlahova Yulia
    Global network of financial markets regulation institutes formation
  • Layko Alexander
    Mechanisms of Eastern Europe countries’ investment process regulation
  • Lutas Mihaela, Dumitru Matis
    Europeanization and Euro adoption in Romania
  • Khadzhynov Illya
    Foreign economic activity of Ukraine’s regions in 2009-2011: trends in post-crisis dynamics
  • Dzhukha Vladimir, Kuritsyn Anatoliy, Sologubov Sergey, Yunda Anastasia
    Index relating as a tool of segmenting social interrelation areas among counterparts
  • Gerasimova Irina, Sokolova Evgenia
    The priority of the development of standardization of the deposit activities of the Russian banks in the context of the post-crisis economic recovery
  • Tsepilova Elena
    Ratio of accounting standards and tax laws in Russian Federation
  • Liargovas Panagiotis, Kosteletou Nikolina
    FDI Inflows and Trade Openness in Southeastern Europe and Black Sea Countries (SEE & BSC)
  • Kozlova Svetlana
    Banking intermediation as modernization factor of the Russian economy
  • Jelenkovic Zlatja, Barjaktarovic Lidija
    Cross-border loans during the wolrd’s economic crisis
  • Lazareva Evgenia
    The problems of the investment bank loans and ways to overcome them
  • Arzhenovskiy Sergey, Dudkina Anna
    Modern Family: life values and attitudes of the population
  • Sinyavskaya Tatiana, Tregubova Alexandra
    Life insurance product pricing: individual and regional risk characteristics’effect
  • Lazareva Elena
    The national welfare foresight: post-crisis ways of human capital development for innovations


  • Albekov Adam, Reznikov Sergey
    Post-crisis development of the world economy: Vector and model of restorative growth
  • Mezinova Inga
    Russia’s approach to creation of competitive economy: history of success and failure over the past decade
  • Plesco Olga
    The economic crisis reclassifies European Union’s forces
  • Cerovic Bozidar, Nojkovic Aleksandra
    New model of growth in transition economies: should it be developed earlier?
  • Kuznetsov Nikolay, Nivorozhkina Lyudmila, Nivorozhkin Evgeniy
    Decomposition of the change in poverty between two periods: the case of Russia
  • Lachno Uliya
    The financialisation of Russian commodity market
  • Eskinat Rana
    Financial-economic crisis and Turkey
  • Prašcević Aleksandra
    The possibilities of applying the theory of political macroeconomics on fiscal policy in Serbia
  • Akopova Elena
    Priorities and dominants of institutional development strategy of Russian economy in post-crisis restoration aspect
  • Savić Nebojša, Džunić Marija, Brkić Ivan, Subotić Jana, Djenić Marina
    The role of clusters in improvement of regional cooperation and development
  • Puzakova Evgeniya, Voronkova Oxana, Ponkratova Elena
    Innovation technologies of regional development management in Russian Federation as a basis of creation of country’s global competitiveness
  • Vujović Dušan, Djenić Marina, Popovćić-Avric Snežana, Konjikušić Snežana
    Assessing the impact of global crisis on European transition economies: the role of institutional vulnerability and resilience
  • Medvedkin Taras
    Transfer of knowledge in the context of global innovative development of the countries Central and Eastern Europe
  • Stefanov Galin, Damyanov Atanas
    Shift of competitive advantages within the European Union
  • Polubotko Anna
    Energy in Russia: Prospects
  • Rodionova Nataliya
    Priority directions of regional innovative system’s development
  • Boev Vasiliy
    Virtual economy: the future of economy or a phenomenon of a modern society
  • Makogon Yuriy, Medvedkina Eugenia
    Modern tendencies of integration interaction of the Central Eastern Europe regions in the economic security maintenance aspect


    • Oikawa Tomoko
      Business groups in recent economic crisis: Keiretsu in Japan – and beyond – as a local/global concept
    • Dzhukha Vladimir, Prikhodko Inna
      Corporate social responsibility: best practices and prospects in post-crisis economy
    • Sinyavskaya Tatiana
      Development of risk management system as a competitive advantage in crisis conditions
    • Damyanov Atanas, Marinova Margarita, Petrov Ivaylo
      Possible toolsets for resolving weakly-structured issues
    • Shcherbakov Danila
      System engineering as an efficient technology of anti-crisis management
    • Levi-Jaksić Maja
      Sustainable technology and innovation management
    • Makarenya Tatiana
      The basic directions of modernization of system of granting of housing-and-municipal services
    • Anopchenko Tatiana, Shamardin Dmitriy
      Regional aspects of biopharmaceutical cluster’s formation in the Southern Federal District
    • Krakashova Olga
      Concept of utility service government control efficiency in post-crisis period
    • Akopyan Alexander
      Logistics information technologies as important tool for efficient work of enterprise in post-crisis period
    • Nivorozhkina Lyudmila, Grishin Mikhail
      Educational choice in modern Russia: social and gender impact
    • Mekhantseva Karina
      Organization quality and sustainable development management board: statistical model and its realization
    • Bacović Maja
      Efficiency driven economic growth: investment in human capital and technological readiness
    • Toropova Tatiana
      Happiness: its measurement, correlates and policy uses
    • Adžić Sofija, Adžić Jasminka
      Global financial-economic crisis and the new development model of agro-food industry: the case study of Vojvodina
    • Kuznetsov Nikolay, Ovchinnikov Viktor, Chernishev Michail, Soldatova Irina Development of an agricultural complex of Russia in globalization
  • Roshchina Lydia
    Information basis for the analysis of potential industrial innovation: current status and development trends
  • Israilova Elima
    Problems of institutionalizing of economic interests of economic entities