Spring 2012, Vol. 10, No. 1 ARTICLES Hunger and the Externalities of Dietary Preferences:Demand-Side Considerations of the Current Dietary ParadigmANASTASIA PSEIRIDISEmployment Status for People with Disabilities in GreeceGEORGE N. MAGOULIOS, ANNA TRICHOPOULOUThe Welfare Cost of Inflation in GreeceKENT KIMBROUGH, IOANNIS SPYRIDOPOULOSExport Barriers and Export Performance:Empirical Evidence from the Commercial Relationship between Greece and IranSEYED HOSSEIN JALALIReassessment of Sustainability of Current Account Deficit in IndiaAVIRAL KUMAR TIWARI BOOK REVIEWS Post-Crisis Growth and Integration in Europe.Catching-up Strategies in CESEE Economicsedited by Ewald Nowotny, Peter Mooslechner and Doris Ritzberger-Grunwaldreviewed by FOTIS M. SIOKISIndustrial Productivity in Europe. Growth and CrisisEdited by Matilde Mas, Robert StehrerReviewed by GEORGE POLYCHRONOPOULOS