In 2017, the Board of the Directors of ASECU officially announced the “Tsekouras Prize for Young Economists” following the generous offer of the Honorary President of ASECU Prof. Yannis Tsekouras and his wife Erna Jauch Tsekouras. According their proposal the Prize will be given annually to the best paper which will be presented at the Summer School of ASECU Youth. The procedure consists of three phases:
  1. Τhe students’ papers presented in ASECU Youth Summer School are being evaluated by a committee consisting of representatives from all the universities participating in the Summer School.
  2. Α blind review tripartite committee, appointed by the Board of ASECU, chooses out of the five nominated papers the one that will be awarded. For this, the tripartite committee considers
    • Scientific Excellence with respect to:
      • clarity in defining the specific hypothesis;
      • the efficiency of theoretical analysis and/or empirical testing of the hypothesis;
      • contribution to the relevant international literature.
    • Social excellence with respect to:
      • relevance to the scope of SEEJE that covers economic, business and finance research with emphasis on the issues of the South and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea
      • contribution to the discussion of current socioeconomic challenges with respect to the socially and environmental sustainable development of the ASECU region
  3. Finally, all five nominated papers are invited to be presented in the immediately after organised ASECU Conference with covered the participation expenses and to be included at the proceedings of the Conference.
After the presentations, the President of ASECU announces the decision of the committee about the awarded paper, delivers the “Tsekouras Prize for Young Economists” and the respective grant of 500 Euro.