In the General Assembly of ASECU March 2011 Thessaloniki it was decided to set up a Network for the scientific co-operation of ASECU-members.

On September 2012, representatives from six ASECU members Universities – Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (Carmen Pintilescu); University of Rzeszow (Bogdan Wierzbinski); Rostov State University of Economics (Oleg Bodyagin and Inga Mezinova); University of Kragujevac (Nenad Stanisic); Cherkassy State Technological University (Tamara Kachala, Lesya Petkova and Vladimir Shadkhin); Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Grigoris Zarotiadis) – conducted a “Memorandum of Intent for a Network for Applied Economic Research of ASECU (ASECU-NAER)”.

They proposed the overall topic of ASECU-NAER – “Regional International Competitiveness and Development” – and also they identified the specific scientific questions and research areas that shall be included, providing a thorough, systematic structure of the Network.

In May 2013, during the ASECU Conference in Skopje, the Board of Governors adopted the report submitted by the above mentioned group of colleagues and officially founded NAER as a division of ASECU. This report clarifies specific organizational and administrative aspects.

The first Governing Body of NAER consisted of Prof. Tsekouras, President of ASECU, Prof. Carmen Pintilescu from Iasi Romania and Prof. Oleg Bodyagin from Rostov Russia.

The 1st Scientific Council (SC) of NAER consisted of the colleagues that have been appointed as the “leader-researcher” from each regional node (branch) in the participating universities:

  • Grazyna Smigielska, Uniwersytet Economiczny w Krakowiew;
  • Danut Jemna, Universitatea “AL.I. Cuza” Iasi;
  • Lyudmila Nivorozhkina, Rostov State Economic University;
  • Bogdan Wierzbinski, University of Rzeszow;
  • Grigoris Zarotiadis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Presently the Scientific Council (SC) of NAER consists of the following colleagues that have been appointed as the “leader-researcher” from each regional node (branch) in the participating universities:

  • Carmen Pintilescu, Universitatea “AL.I. Cuza” Iasi;
  • Bogdan Wierzbinski, University of Rzeszow;
  • Prodromos Prodromidis, KEPE, Greece.

The list of SC’s members is open and will be enriched as more ASECU member-Universities will join the Network.

The activities of ASECU-NAER can be periodic / provisional initiatives and purely scientific actions / initiatives with direct policy implications:

Periodic Provisional

Purely Scientific

  • Cross-regional Database development and maintenance – Annual reports on main indicators and descriptive data.
  • Semi-annual magazine with reports / papers on specific issues from the defined research topic.
  • Annual Regional Competitiveness and Development Report
  • Working Papers Series as a medium for pre-publication of member’s research
  • Proposing and realizing awarded research projects in the frame of European and international funding schemes (e.g. HORIZON 2020, Interreg, Erasmus +, World Bank and OECD Research Platforms)
  • Provisional Research Initiatives, responding to the current socioeconomic global and local occurrences.

Policy Implications

  • Biannual Workshop for Policy Implications and Proposals on a specific theme, with participation of NAER-members representatives and local as well as central government agents.
  • Biannual Clustering Workshop ,where NAER-representatives and business agents may present and discuss on specific case studies, best-practices and benchmarking of cross-regional, horizontal and vertical business clustering.
  • Provisional Consulting Initiatives for the public and / or the private sector, responding to the current socioeconomic global and local occurrences.

ASECU-NAER provides also the possibility for each interested colleague from member-Universities to upload her/his CV and a list of her/his currently valid, specific research-interests, in order to create and open meeting point, hoping to generate cross-national and cross-thematic co-operations.

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