Spring 2005, Vol. 3, No. 1 ARTICLES Cross-border Migration and Remittances in a post-communist society: Return flows of money and goods in the Korce district, AlbaniaLISA ARREHAG, ORJAN SJOBERG and MIRJA SJOBLOM (231KB – PDF)EU Enlargement, ERM II and Lessons from the Southern European countriesHEATHER GIBSON and EUCLID TSAKALOTOS (354KB – PDF)Is “The ideal filter” really Ideal: The usage of Frequency Filtering and Spurious CyclesLYUBOMIR IVANOV (49KB – PDF)Adaptability of Polish manufacturing in the face of EU AccessionANNA ZIELINSKA-GLEBOCKA (257KB – PDF)Merging activity in the Greek Banking System: A Financial Accounting PerspectiveNIKOLAOS MYLONIDIS and IOANNA KELNIKOLA (519KB – PDF) COUNTRY REPORT Measures in the First Phase of Banking Harmonization with EU Legislation – Case of SerbiaJURIJ BAJEC, NIKOLA FABRIS, JELENA GALIC and DRAGANA PETRAKOVIC (306KB – PDF) BOOK REVIEW Facilitating Transition by InternationalizationEdited by Marjan Svetlicic and Matija Rojecreviewed by ANDREAS A. ANDRIKOPOULOS (76KB – PDF)